Leveraging Authorize.Net CIM With DatatelPay-By-Phone When PCI Compliant “Payment Safe Rooms” Have Been Replaced With Work From Home Staff
Posted: Apr 15, 2020Organizations today are looking for ways to reduce the scope of their call center's PCI footprint. Organizations that operate a call center or rely on staff to collect customers credit card information for storage and later use are going to great lengths to implement PCI compliant business processes.
How To Leverage Authorize.Net Webhooks with Datatel’s IVR Payments / Pay-By-Phone xPress for Real-Time Payment Notifications and Business process automation
Posted: Aug 12, 2019If your business accepts credit card payments by phone you are already aware of the time and effort it requires on the part of your staff to answer those phone calls and to manually reconcile your credit card payments with your accounting and other business systems.